SB 1383 Route Reviews Made Easy!

Contaminated recycling and organics containers pose significant processing issues and ultimately downgrade material streams.  There are significant costs associated with removing contaminants which are rarely passed along to the generators causing the contamination.

Route reviews are one mechanism for monitoring the proper use of residential and commercial containers, but until now, the process has been clunky and time consuming.

In California, SB 1383 requires that jurisdictions minimize prohibited container contaminants by conducting route reviews or route evaluations. 

The SMART Compliance Route Review Tool is designed to efficiently collect container contamination records and provide immediate feedback to customers on the results. The data collected is analyzed in real time to help identify common contaminants and the service areas most affected by contamination.

SB 1383 Route Review Field Map

Field audit map of area and color coded points for all businesses and residential accounts showing various data points (activity, needs visit, audit results…)  Up to four map layers included.


SB 1383 Route Review Collection Survey App

Fully customizable route review collection survey that allows field auditors to identify accounts needing inspection and then easily collect contamination results without any manual data collection or entry of customer account information.

SB 1383 Route Review Geo-location with Photos

Photo upload and geo-locater pin-point date and time stamp applied to photos and survey to provide documented proof of monitoring event.

sb1383 Route Review Bin Picture

Print SB 1383 Route Review Inspection Notice

Instantly print label or inspection notice with results and comprehensive educational messaging.

SB1383 Route Audit Compliance Bin Inspection Label

Immediate SB 1383 Route Review Results

See immediate results of the inspection from any device and download data instantly.


Starting at only $4,500 per year with a 2-year prepaid subscription.

This product may be purchased separately or as part of a comprehensive SB 1383 SMART Solution System.

Optional Route Review Add-on Features

Route Audit Results KPIs


Customized Results Reports

  • All records auto-feed and populate reports, including SB 1383 Implementation Record, saving time to cross reference and manually populate.
  • Standard data export in CSV and PDF
  • Robust report generator allowing for multiple customizable report formats
  • SB 1383 Implementation Record tracking with storage folders and auto-populating report meeting CalRecycle format
  • EAR data and documentation tracking
  • Annual MCR and MORe tracking and reporting

SMART1383 Software Suite

SMART solutions for all SB 1383 requirements

  • Complete SB 1383 compliance solution
  • Comprehensive data collection and reporting functions
  • Fully customizable
  • User friendly interface
  • Encrypted Data 
  • Data Stored in the USA
  • VPAT Section 508 Compliant

SMART1383 is designed to fully integrate all data and recordkeeping functions for businesses and jurisdictions that manage solid waste programs. The system’s base model provides a robust platform for tracking all programmatic aspects of SB 1383.

SMART Compliance, LLC
Learn More at

Primary Contact:  Judi Gregory,  [email protected],   Ph 646 840-1850

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